Wall & Floor Trims

Futura Transitions is the largest provider and distributor of metal wall and flooring trims in the country, offering a comprehensive list of carpet transitions, vinyl, and ceramic tile trim products. Manufactured and designed to the highest level of precision, Futura Transitions products are made using a standardized fabrication process so that installation is minimal and product quality is uniform among all our extruded aluminum flooring trims.

Metal Flooring Transition Made From Extruded Aluminum

Our extensive line of designer finishes allows your project to compliment other selections in the room. Our products transform decorative trim into durable and sustainable luxury edge protection. They take an installation challenge and transform it into a feature that compliments the entire space.

In short, using Futura Transitions flooring products transitions a flooring project from average to remarkable!

Download our catalog to view your options for efficiently transitioning uneven surfaces and unlike products. Plus, some products have a 48 hour shipping guarantee*.

For designers, architects, and specifiers, find Futura Transitions in ARCAT.

*Catalog Items listed with the 48 Hour Guarantee icon are guaranteed to ship from the factory to the distributor in 48 hours or less from the time a purchase order is received to shipment of the product.

48 Hour Guarantee does not apply if ordering more than your average number of pieces within the last 6 month period.

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